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Rachel Travis – Sweepstakes Queen

Season: 1
Episode: 44
Having won over $400,000 in cash and prizes Rachel is more than just lucky. She talks about the system she uses to win big at sweepstakes and how others can do the same.
Episode type: full
Hosts:Jenny Midgley and Sarah Madras
Contains Explicit Content: yes

Full Show Notes

Rachel started out wanting to become a therapist but during her internship with a therapeutic foster care, she changed her mind and decided instead to become a foster parent. She had a tragedy in her life that completely altered her direction. Her brother was killed in a motorcycle accident.

When something like that happens everything comes into focus. She left her job because she wanted her life to make a difference. During the time she was studying to launch the next chapter of her life she visited a friend who introduced her to the world of sweepstakes. She used some of her free time during her career transition to start entering contests. She started winning. Then winning big.

She shares where to find sweepstakes and some of her tips and tricks with us, but also shares about the comprehensive master class she created to help other people. One tip for finding giveaways on social media is to search for hashtags. There are tons of comment-to-win contests.

We talked about the mindset of being in something for the experience without being attached to the outcome and how that type of perspective really sets people up to have amazing experiences. It was with that mindset that Rachel bought a dress from a thrift store and entered to win Miss Virginia and won!

She loves to share her winnings with friends and family and shared a story of reconnecting with an old friend with a NASCAR race.

Rachel shares the most impactful prize she has ever won: she won $54,000 with a tweet to win a contest that allowed her to pay everything off and make an investment to create the sweepstakes masterclass course.

You can find Rachel on Instagram
Website | Sweepstakes Master Class

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