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Kimberly Winborne – Your Finance Coach

Season: 1
Episode: 19
Our guest, Kimberly Winborne, CEO and founder of Kimberly Winborne LLC, and co-founder of Visionary Networking Circle, LLC is a connector and entrepreneur to her core! She started her entrepreneurial journey while she was on a different path, attending college. A few years after receiving her BA in English/ Communications, her passion for entrepreneurship took over, and her first business, hair salon, became official! After years in the salon, life did exactly as is expected and took a few turns. My love for math and finance turned into a career in financial services, and she shares her story with the Girls Who Do Stuff.
Episode type: full
Hosts:Jenny Midgley and Sarah Madras
Contains Explicit Content: yes

Full Show Notes

Kimberly Winborne is the owner of Kimberly Winbore LLC which is a company that works with people to help them learn how to make more money and manage it responsibly when they do.
They talk about how important connections are and how those connections led them to meeting each other at Vibe (A Coworking Community) where Kimberly overheard them talking about one of her dear friends. 

Collaboration is a core value to the Girls Who Do Stuff and Kimberly so they became quick friends.
Something that is really important to Kimberly WInbore is her faith. She also discusses the role that her faith plays in how she runs her business. She started a prayer group called Praying She where they meet once a month to pray over their businesses and just connect with one another. This leads the conversation into what faith means to different people and how you pray is unique to you and what you believe in. She started a Facebook group that meeting regularly to encourage each other.
With Kimberly’s company, she tells clients that in order to win in your finances you need to have the right mindset and want to change the way that you handle your money. COVID-19 has shown us the mistakes that we have been making with our money and how we can grow from this experience in the future and if we learn to manage our money it can transfer through generations and change the world.
Kimberly and the hosts also touch on their journeys of thinking that they are not good enough and that no one wants to listen to what they say and how they are growing in that aspect.
Kimberly also talks about her involvement in other things such as helping people that have or are going through domestic violence and how she is helping them.

To find out more about Kimberly:

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